Hybrid Solar Cells: Dye-sensitized Solar Cells

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Metal CoordinationComplexes and Polymers for Charge Transport Layers

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Indoor Photovoltaics powering IoTs

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About Research Group

Dr Freitag and research group are passionate about developing new light-driven technology which will secure a safe, prosperous and healthy future worldwide. Our research has led her to realise the potential of coordination polymers and complexes to solve the key challenges facing her research field, including issues of sustainability, stability, and performance of hybrid solar cells. Her key findings and achievements so far in the field of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSC) include new concepts in light harvesting and energy materials. These findings have already led to more focus in the DSCs field towards new applications of hybrid solar cells for indoor applications.  


About Publications Group

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  • An Electrochemical Method for the Detection of Disease-Specific Exosomes,
  • Jharda Yadav, Eseniia Ooriachek, Jazmul Jhaone,
  • Kimli Yang , Dr. Rushmore

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View all Publications

Magnetofluidics for manipulation of convective heat transfer

[287] A. Teo, K. H. H. Li, N.-T. Youuyen, W. Guo, N. Heere, H.D. Xi, C. W. Tsao, W. Li, S. H. Tan,

Magnetofluidics for manipulation of convective heat transfer

[287] A. Teo, K. H. H. Li, N.-T. Youuyen, W. Guo, N. Heere, H.D. Xi, C. W. Tsao, W. Li, S. H. Tan,

Magnetofluidics for manipulation of convective heat transfer

[287] A. Teo, K. H. H. Li, N.-T. Youuyen, W. Guo, N. Heere, H.D. Xi, C. W. Tsao, W. Li, S. H. Tan,

Magnetofluidics for manipulation of convective heat transfer

[287] A. Teo, K. H. H. Li, N.-T. Youuyen, W. Guo, N. Heere, H.D. Xi, C. W. Tsao, W. Li, S. H. Tan,

Dr. Freitag


I currently hold a position as Royal Society University Research Fellow at Newcastle University, where I have assembled a small group, consisting of a 3 PhD students and 2 postdoctoral researchers. Our research is focused on coordination chemistry for energy applications with a successful collaboration network.
My research experience started (2003-2006) during my undergraduate studies in chemistry at Free University, Berlin, Germany. During my doctoral studies (2007-2011, Rutgers University, NJ, USA) I was working under the supervision of Prof Galoopini on electrochromic devices.
I moved to Uppsala University for a two-year postdoctoral (2013-2015) research position, funded by Merck AG, with Prof. Boschloo, which focused on the implementation, synthesis and characterisation of alternative redox mediators in hybrid solar cells. I was invited to develop this work further at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) by Prof. Hagfeldt between July 2015 and August 2016. Between 2016 and 2019 I held a fixed term Assistant Professor position at Uppsala University, Sweden before moving to Newcastle.

  1. January 2020

    Newcastle University

    Royal Society University Research and Newcastle Academic Track Fellow

  2. September 2020

    Uppsala University

    Assistant Professor
  3. July 2015 


  4. June 2013

    Uppsala University


Giovanni Spinelli

PHD Student

Hannes Michaels

PHD Student

Harvey Morritt

PHD Student